Friday, 15 September 2017



Text: Col 1:12-14, 2Chron 5:17, Rom. 12:2

Being born again into Christ means that our status has changed in the world. Our status has change from the dominion of darkness to the dominion of light. So if you give your life to God and be born again your status has changed, you now bare the status of Christ Jesus. So therefore if anyone gives his or her life to Christ he or she is a new creature, all things have become new.

A man has a spirit that have a soul that lives in a body. For you to live according or in his status you should get hold of his word, that said he was wounded for our transgression and bruised for our sins(Isaiah 53:2, John 1:12-13, Eph. 2:4-6). When you give your life to Christ it mean your citizenship has change, what is happening to in the world will not happen to you because greater is he that is in you that is in the world (John 4:4, Psalm 105:12).

As long as you have given your life to Christ no one will oppress you, because he has warned kings and wicked people not to harm you (Gen. 12:1-10, Rev. 12:7-9, John 10:30, John 3:6, John 4:24, John 3:8, Exod. 7:7). As soon as you give your life to Christ you have been more than conqueror, no one can oppress you in anyway (Acts 3:22, John 10:34-35, Psalm 82:5-7).



Text: Gen. 1:21-22,28; 1Chron. 4:9-10, Num. 6:22.

You don't just bless someone, you use your words to describe the blessings unto the blessings. Before you ask God to bless you, you must describe the blessings in your prayer. So any time you want to bless someone you should always describe the end of the blessing, so that the person you bless will know where the blessing is coming from.

The blessing of Abraham is Jesus, so if you accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour, you receive the blessings of Abraham (Gen. 3:13, 2Corin 5:17). Anyone who is born again in Christ him/her are created a new creation in Christ and has become united with the Messiah. He/she has been given a fresh start of life. As soon as you give your life to Christ and been born again all your mistake will be thrown into a waste bin. The blessing of Abraham was upon his biological children and he was prosperious, even in the land of famine and all the people of the lanr started to envy him (Gen. 12:1-3, Prov. 3:5-6).

The blessings of Abraham
* The privilege of divine connection (Isaiah 30:2)
* Abraham became a great nation (Gen. 12:2, Deu. 2:25, Deu. 11:25, Gen. 26:26, 28-29).
The blessings of Abraham made his  seed Isaac to be prosperious among others, among his enemies and they came back to make peace with him (Psalm 105:12). As seed of Abraham God will not let anyone to hurt you, God will protect you and warn kings for your sake. The seed of Abraham will partake in the blessings and promises of God in the life of Abraham.